An Honest Review: TAPP HYBRID AAP-01 Grip/Frame

An Honest Review: TAPP HYBRID AAP-01 Grip/Frame

The installation and compatibility of parts are not a problem. The internal dimensions are the same as those of the stock lower. This enables the product to work with numerous aftermarket internal and external upgrades. This was the first of its kind to come to market, there are no others currently available to directly compare it to. CTM is releasing theirs in Feb 2025, according to their last update. And it is confirmed a couple of other companies are developing HPA lower frames. The price of this is $200 for just the HPA lower frame system.

 I disagree with this price point as I do not see $200 in value. Here is my justification:

The material used is SLS 3D-printed nylon, with the optional cerakote coating. The texture was rough and “Fuzzy” to the hand giving it a cheap and unfinished feeling. According to Tapp, they “post polish after cerakote” but neglected to do so for the one they sent me. The material used feels inexpensive and rough to the touch, making it uncomfortable to handle for extended periods. Overall, the product has a prototype-like appearance rather than the polished look of a finished product.

Upon first connection of the HPA line to the system, it caused the gun to fully cycle and leak. On a stock AAP-01, you can cock the gun and insert a pressured magazine without it firing. If a consumer inserts a loaded mag into the gun or has a BB in the chamber, and then connects the air this presents a safety concern. Possibly causing severe injury or property damage. The product came with no warnings about this, or any instructions whatsoever. 

The grip is very uncomfortable for my hands to hold. The large gash in the frame forces my fingers to grip the gun lower than you are supposed to. If I hold the gun properly, it squeezes my fingers together and the rough corner digs into my hand causing more discomfort.

I was using the PTS ARP9 mag for this testing.  After inserting it, there is an audible click acknowledging the latch has been activated, but the magazine is free to move up and down without falling out of the gun. This presented feeding issues as the magazine would slide too far down, not engaging the feed lips properly.

After reaching out to Tapp, they instructed me to make measurements for them so they could create an additional mag release in the package for these types of mags. This means some units have been sold to customers already as the product was released a week ago.

Despite the initial excitement surrounding the release of this new product, some issues are already emerging. All in all, I am underwhelmed with this product. In my opinion, it appears rushed and unfinished.  After my initial testing, I was disappointed with the build quality, presentation, and ergonomics. For the price point of $200, I was expecting a much more polished and high-end product. The major ergonomic flaws of the grip make it hard to use comfortably.  A  lack of compatibility is disappointing and adds an extra step for customers who just want a simple plug-and-play solution. The gun shooting upon connection of the HPA line is a major safety concern. Despite these shortcomings, I must commend Tapp on their customer service. They were quick to respond to my inquiries during this process and answer my questions.

I will continue to test and provide updates as necessary. Thank you.


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